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The Countryside Town

Giggles and laughter fill your ear as you walk in. You see people smiling everywhere, and the conversations are animated and lively. You smell the baked goods that come from a nearby bakery, and surely they must be delicious. As you walk along you see a poet reciting his lines, a theatre troupe putting on a performance, and a painter eyeing his subject. The atmosphere is just energetic.

Farris is a town where people are free to express themselves in any way. It’s a town that is just filled at the seams with artists. Maybe it’s the countryside air, or just the jovial nature of halflings that put everyone at ease, but Farris has always been a place where people are able to cultivate their art and expression. People are often lackadaisical, maybe to a fault. It is rare to see two people in a confrontation. The pleasant atmosphere keeps everyone amicable, though some might prefer the word flippant.


Races: Halfling, Human, Aaracokra

Best Stats: Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma

Common Classes: Bard, Ranger, Druid

Government Type: Elected City Council

City Environment: Hills

Alignment: Chaotic


Farris is a town founded by halflings. They found a nice shady spot between the hills and decided to plop themselves down. Halflings have always been an easy going lot, and that carried over to the mood of their settlement. Life in the countryside was safe and easy, and farms provided very bountiful yields. With so much spare time and no militaristic ambitions the halflings of Farris devoted themselves to their hobbies, which ended up being art. Dozens of halfling poets, bards, actors, and artists over the centuries have originated from Farris. The town became renowned for their artistry and kept attracting talent from all over Avensuna.

Farris is close to Crownworth. Not all humans fit into the rigid structure of Crownworth, and Farris offers a great alternative. There they can express themselves without worrying about falling in line. And that freedom is only a couple days away. Farris a town full of artists and tourists that come to see them. More creative humans just wound up fitting better in that kind of atmosphere. The capability of humans to adapt into any environment has always proven true.

Due to aarakocra’s many travels, they pick up a lot of stories and experiences on the way. The retelling of these tales really fit with the artistic and theatrical aspects of Farris. If an aarakocra ever wanted to find a captive audience, they could do so in this town. Over time more and more aarakocra decided to make Farris their home in between their lengthy travels.


Ability Scores: +2 points between Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma

Skills: Proficiency in the Persuasion, Performance, or Acrobatics skill.

Artisan’s Expertise: You gain proficiency with one set of artisan’s tools of your choice. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that chosen proficiency.

Actor: You have an advantage on Deception and Performance checks when trying to pass yourself off as a different person. You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 1 minute. A successful Insight check contested by your Deception check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.